Here’s a good quote I ran across on Facebook: Really, which is an extreme diet — vegetarianism or the “normal” diet that kills the average person 20% faster.
Which Is An Extreme Diet?

Here’s a good quote I ran across on Facebook: Really, which is an extreme diet — vegetarianism or the “normal” diet that kills the average person 20% faster.
Christmas insanity on Fox, followed by Christmas hilarity on the Daily Show. So funny it hurts: The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook There’s so much craziness here that it had to be split…
Oy, and we wonder why our democracy is broken. So many Americans don’t even know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are the same thing. Nonetheless, they’re very happy to chime in about why they don’t like Obamacare but…
Jon Stewart has done it again. In these videos below (from one Daily Show segment) he skewers Republicans in Congress and the media who either don’t understand the damage they are doing to actual humans and society as a whole,…
Tesla Motors this past week unveiled a stunning 90-second battery pack swap option for its Model S owners. The option should be available on the East and West coast by the end of the year. Below are more details —…
The following is an excellent TED Talk that I think everyone should watch. The best parts, imho, are the practical pieces of advice crammed in at the end. But the whole thing is great. The advice is age-old advice, timeless…
Holland — one of my favorite places in the world. More info in this Bikocity repost below. Below is a fun (& funny) video about Holland. Of course, biking is highlighted a bit. Biking makes life so much cooler, easier, more…
Here are 3 great global warming cartoons, each with their own specific focus. In my humble opinion, these are some of the most important issues facing humanity this century, and probably all time. 1. This first one uses the…
In case you didn’t see this one, this is an excellent little statement published right after Obama was elected president: