I recently saw a post over on Vegan Outreach’s blog showing that donations closely correlated with the number of people it could help educate on animal cruelty (in factory farming) and cruelty-free eating. The graph is below. Want to help…
Take Action: National Conference to End Factory Farming
I’ve got some good news for all those who care about decent treatment of animals. Farm Sanctuary is hosting its first-ever National Conference to End Factory Farming: For Health, Environment and Farm Animals this year — October 27-29 in the Washington, D.C. area. Attend if you can!
“Bones” Star Emily Deschanel is Walk for Farm Animals’ New National Spokesperson (VIDEO)

I love Farm Sanctuary. It’s making the world a livable place for countless farm animals around the United States and Canada, and extending their lifespans as well.
Factory Farm Investigations on New Interactive Map
It must be the week for maps. I just recently announced that Food & Water Watch won an Interactive Media Award (IMA) for its interactive factory farming map. Now, news is there’s another great interactive factory farming map just out from Animal Visuals, an excellent site with “visual resources for animals” (I’ve shared some of their stuff when writing about livestock production in the U.S. before).
Factory Farming Map Wins Interactive Media Award (Acceptance Speech Cut Off)
I wrote about a pretty awesome (though, disturbing) interactive factory farming map created by Food & Water Watch and New Signature back in December. The map “illustrates the geographic shift in where and how food is raised in the U.S. and allows anyone to quickly search for the highest concentration of animals by region, state and county.” A non-interactive version of it is above.
Farm Sanctuary Condemns Agreement Violation & Inhumane Confinement of Veal Calves in Ohio

The Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board voted 6-5 last week to permit the completely inhumane confinement of veal calves in tiny crates that the calves aren’t even able to turn around in. This is in a “clear violation of an agreement reached last June between humane groups and agribusiness,” Farm Sanctuary reports.
“Humane” Labeling Coming?
Animal welfare is a very important issue for most Americans, but it is definitely not a concern for the factory farmers “raising” most of our farm animals these days. Is a “humane” labeling reform on the way to help people choose better meat and animal product options?
EU: Cloning Farm Animals & Livestock Not Allowed, Cloning Fighting Bulls and Racehorses Fine
Good news coming out of the European Union (EU) recently is that it is proposing a 5-year ban on the cloning of farm animals and livestock. However, the EU is fine with other animals being cloned, including sports animals like…