Energy Efficiency

Solar Power Is A Huge Water Saver (World Water Day Infographic)

Every year on this day since 1993, the community of nations has focused on the importance of fresh water and advocated for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Severe droughts experienced recently in places like the American West, the Horn of Africa, Russia, China, and Australia have highlighted the fact that humans are rapidly using

Solar Power Is A Huge Water Saver (World Water Day Infographic) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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How Much Renewable Energy Will Be Installed In 2030? 2040? 2050?

How Much Renewable Energy Will Be Installed In 2030? 2040? 2050?

Ren21 — a global renewable energy policy multi-stakeholder network that connects governmental bodies, nonprofit organizations, industry associations, research institutes and universities, and members of civil society — recently conducted a massive, 75-page report on a large variety of potential renewable energy…

Endorsement For Obama — Focused On Cleantech, Climate, And Jobs Support

  As I just noted on Facebook, I don’t see how anyone could vote for Romney other than selfish millionaires and billionaires. Here are just some of the reasons why Obama is a much better option: On Obama: CleanTechnica’s Evaluation…