Media Ranks Renewable Energy Leaders

Lisanne Boling, Vermont, Pennsylvania and California ranked as the most friendly to renewable energy according to new rankings from’s ranking system takes not only state policies into account but also energy consumption and generation data. Other factors considered include growth of renewable energy, state programs for renewable energy, and other factors. Bonus Ranks Renewable Energy Leaders was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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NJ Tesla Supercharger Project Stopped — Concern That Children In Bookshop Could Be Burned From Car Company Handling Electricity?

First of all, above is a video of a Tesla Supercharger station that was getting put in and then put on halt for some reason. One commenter on the YouTube page noted that the NJ Power Commission quietly decided to implement an old law stating that a car company couldn’t distribute electricity and this project thus […]

NJ Tesla Supercharger Project Stopped — Concern That Children In Bookshop Could Be Burned From Car Company Handling Electricity? was originally published on EV Obsession.

Hatin’ On The Tesla Model S Seems To Be An Edmunds Pastime

Update: Based on some comments, I figured it was worth adding some extra notes: 1) Not every Tesla article on Edmunds is negative. I didn’t say that, of course. I was simply shocked (as were others) at how many articles are negative. The article below is my representation of the things that stood out to

Hatin’ On The Tesla Model S Seems To Be An Edmunds Pastime was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Nate Silver Picks One Of Most Notorious Scientists For Climate Science Section Of FiveThirtyEight

Yikes, here’s some bad news for who were hoping for useful climate science analysis from Nate Silver’s new website, FiveThirtyEight: Nate Silver’s highly anticipated data-driven news site FiveThirtyEight launched on Monday, with a controversial figure covering science issues. Silver has brought on Roger Pielke, Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado Boulder,

Nate Silver Picks One Of Most Notorious Scientists For Climate Science Section Of FiveThirtyEight was originally published on: CleanTechnica.

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Did Katy Perry Buy 5 Fisker Karmas For Her Crew? ($500,000 Purchase)

Rumor is: Katy Perry just bought 5 Fisker Karmas for some of her employees for a cool half-million, because she hates LA smog and didn’t want to deal with the guilt (… or karma?) of polluting gasmobiles. There are a few warning signs this may be nothing more than a rumor, however: The original source

Did Katy Perry Buy 5 Fisker Karmas For Her Crew? ($500,000 Purchase) was originally published on: CleanTechnica.

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Climate Change Is On Everyone’s Lips

Climate change is #1. When we say that, we don’t mean we’re all cheering for global warming. We mean the subject tops the list of the most important underreported issues in the world today—at least according to news aggregation site Upworthy. Joe Romm of ThinkProgress says the topic huge number of readers chose by an

Climate Change Is On Everyone’s Lips was originally published on: CleanTechnica.

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