
passport size 2Building off of a brilliant idea from Derek Sivers, I’ve set up this “/now page.” It enables a quick response as to why I really can’t take on any new projects — even if they are über cool — and why I’m often way late responding to emails or messages.

Vaguely in order of time spent on these worldly matters, here’s what I’m busy with and why I’m busy 24/7 (really):

  1. Spending time with my young daughters and wife, all of whom are frequently trying to pull me away from items 2–7 on this list.
  2. Editing or writing ~10 articles per day on CleanTechnica.
  3. Engaging in discussions in the comments under articles on CleanTechnica.
  4. Going through ~400–500 articles, press releases, or forum threads per day to choose ~10–20 for writers to cover on the sites above (if you send me a press release and I don’t respond, I don’t need you to send it again or follow up — thanks).
  5. Managing business matters at CleanTechnica.
  6. Playing tennis with my girls.

I almost never find time to check email. Sorry.

There’s also often a decent chance I’m attending and perhaps presenting at an international conference on one of the world’s non-frozen continents.