There is an extremely unique ecosystem in Brazil that contains about 5% of all life on Earth. It is called the Cerrado. Unfortunately, it is disappearing faster than the Brazilian Amazon.
Deforestation Rates in Brazilian Amazon Dropped 47% in August
Data released publicly last Friday indicates that deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon were 47% lower in August of 2010 compared to August of 2009. Nice to hear that. This information was released by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research…
Amazon River (10 Friday Photos)
10 beautiful and fun photos of the Amazon River. If you haven’t noticed, I love water. Every time I do a post for this 10 Friday Photosseries, I seem to pick something related to water or at least include a lot…
GREENCAST: 27,000 Abandoned Wells in Gulf of Mexico, Arsenic in Utah Kids Pee, Climate Change Funding in the FY2011 Budget…
Here is our latest “greencast’ of green news from around the internet. Check out our summary of these 10 green news stories in high-definition via screenr or on YouTube below. Read the rest of this entry »
Amazon Says Goodbye to World’s Largest Meat Exporter
Last month, I wrote about the world’s largest leather exporter leaving the Amazon. This week there is even bigger news. The world’s largest meat exporter is leaving.
World’s Largest Leather Exporter Backs Out of Amazon
Just a couple of weeks ago, soya traders agreed to extend a moratorium on buying soya linked to Amazon destruction. However, as discussed in January, 80% of Amazon deforestation is from cattle farming. With continued involvement of major international organizations…