
Solar Cup: Largest Solar-Powered Boat Competition (VIDEO)

Originally published on 1Sun4All. Three days of racing launches this Friday, May 16 at Metropolitan Water District’s (mwdh20) 12th annual Solar Cup at Lake Skinner in Temecula Valley, California, reports mwdh2o. The nation’s largest solar-powered boat competition features nearly 700 students on 40 southland high school teams. Here’s some more info from mwdh20: 12th Annual Solar Cup 2014 The Official Solar Cup

Solar Cup: Largest Solar-Powered Boat Competition (VIDEO) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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PlanetSolar TerraSubmersa Expedition 2014 To Explore Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes

Originally published on 1Sun4All. Buoyed by the success of the DeepWater expedition carried out along the Gulf Stream in the spring of 2013, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and PlanetSolar are launching TerraSubmersa this summer, according to PlanetSolar. A group of re­search scientists from Greece and Switzerland will take part in the PlanetSolar 2014 expedition in the Argolic Gulf in Greece. Here’s

PlanetSolar TerraSubmersa Expedition 2014 To Explore Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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