concentrating solar power

Soligent & SunWize Become Soligent Distribution

Soligent and SunWize have decided to integrate and combine their operations in order to reportedly become the largest provider of solar distribution and dealer services in the US. Their combined portfolio of offerings involve financing and value-added services for solar installers, energy efficiency firms, electrical contractors, and roofing companies. The company’s new name is Soligent

Soligent & SunWize Become Soligent Distribution was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Solar-Powered KB Home Models In Arizona

Originally published on Green Building Elements. Homes designed with renewable energy options continue to become more common. This press release from KB Homes is great news. New homes are a logical place to feature solar power options where the challenge of financing the cost of renewables can be included in the original mortgage loan. Expansion of popular solar

Solar-Powered KB Home Models In Arizona was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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6 German Renewable Energy Charts

One of our readers, Kanaga Gnana, recently sent along a November report from the Fraunhofer Institute that has a number of interesting charts in it. I pulled out 6 for sharing here. Have a look. In this first one, you can see CSP vs PV vs CPV levelized cost of energy (LCOE) estimates for Germany:

6 German Renewable Energy Charts was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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ASU & AORA Solar Forge Research Partnership on Tempe Campus

I had the pleasure of seeing AORA Solar and its CSP Tulip system two years ago when it was unveiled in Almeria, Spain. I have been waiting for the day when this exciting renewable energy platform might be tested in the United States. In an interview, CEO Zev Rosenzweig told me the company wanted to

ASU & AORA Solar Forge Research Partnership on Tempe Campus was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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