We know by now that bicycling and walking for transportation purposes are great ways to reduce climate change pollution, address the obesity epidemic and numerous other critical health problems, and create a sense of community. Additionally, there are huge economic…
Fear’s Role in Climate Change Issues
Fear. It is a simple emotion. It is a feeling. But it can also create something complicated — in what it makes us think and do. Fear drives many decisions in the world, and may often cause us to make…
Can Diet Coke Kill You? Part 2

Due to the great popularity of “Can Diet Coke Kill You?” combined with a lot of controversy over it, I have decided to write this follow-up post. Most of the controversy over the last article was around the fact that…
Nike Opposes US Chamber of Commerce & Leaves Board, over Climate Change
Nike just announced that it is leaving its position on the US Chamber of Commerce board of directors because of the business organization’s opposition to climate action. Nike doesn’t beat around the bush on why it is leaving the board.