Like music? Like the environment? I was recently introduced to some excellent Environmental Music Films(EMFs) by Kristen Farquhar on YouTube that connect the two beautifully. Kristen writes that these EMFs are “meant to stir” people’s hearts and minds and are “about…
Greencast: National Security and Climate Change, Bicycling Politicians, New National Parks in Russia…
Here is this week’s “greencast” or screencast of great green news from around the internet (that we didn’t already cover). Enjoy the video above via YouTube or in high definition on screenr. By the way, if you happen to notice the…
War is Hell on the Environment (and Future Generations)
War is harmful for the environment and all those who rely on it (generation after generation in many cases). This is an issue that crossed my mind when I was writing about the Afghanistan War becoming the longest war in US…
What’s the #1 Food-Related Thing You Can Do for Earth Day?
One of the best things you can do for the environment and all who rely on it this Earth Day is something food-related. Can you guess what? [social_buttons] Well, it is Earth Day again. It is hard to know what…
How to Make Earth Day Significant
You probably have a handful of options in your community for what you can do on Earth Day. Hopefully, each of them would be beneficial to the planet and to yourself. Most environmental organizations or activists will tell you whenever…
Ecosystems, Plants & Animals on the Move, but Fast Enough?
Some species are already on the move because of climate change, but a lot more is needed for species & ecosystems to survive. A new study by the California Academy of Scientists attempts to estimate how fast species and ther…
Ecovillage Spotlight: Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland
Ecovillages are great habitats and support systems for people who want to live environmentally friendlier, happier, healthier lives. One of the most famous modern ecovillages, Findhorn Ecovillage, starts this ecovillage spotlight series. Ecovillages often combine ecological planning and design with…
4 Childhood Lessons & Climate Change
There is so much complexity in the politics of climate change right now, but as the Copenhagen climate negotiations heat up, I think there are a few simple childhood lessons to review or keep in mind. [social_buttons] Of course, action…
Fear’s Role in Climate Change Issues
Fear. It is a simple emotion. It is a feeling. But it can also create something complicated — in what it makes us think and do. Fear drives many decisions in the world, and may often cause us to make…