genetically modified

Corn Rootworm Now Resistant to Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Corn

As Ken Roseboro wrote earlier today, Monsanto GM sweet corn is about to be much more ubiquitous in the U.S. Interestingly, this announcement comes at about the same time as the release of a new study out of Iowa State University showing that some organisms that are supposed to be repelled by this GM corn are becoming resistant to it (and passing on that resistance to their offspring).

Monsanto Pulled to Court by India for “Biopiracy”

Monsanto and India don’t have a very cozy relationship. Monsanto came in on the promise of cheaper crops, alleviating hunger, and so on and so on. India found out before long that they got totally ripped off and screwed by the agribusiness multinational giant. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Indian farmers have actually committed suicide in response to Monsanto’s screw-you (with a smile), give-money-to-us genetically modified (GM) crops.

The latest in this long, sad saga is that the National Biodiversity Authority of India (NBA) is suing Monsanto, Mahyco, and other collaborators who were involved in “accessing and using local brinjal varieties in developing Bt Brinjal without prior approval of the competent authorities” (aka biopiracy).

Toxin from GM Crops Found in Human Blood, Canadian Scientists Find

When you let the GMO industry police itself and evaluate the safety of its own products, you are bound to get something different than if you had (or let) independent scientists do so. I’ve covered the scientific limitations of GMO studies commissioned or conducted by the GMO industry before, as well as 13 scientific studies that have identified a link between GMOs and organ disruption. News is out now that may be even more disturbing.

Monsanto GM Sugar Beets (and Alfalfa) Approval: Why This is Bad News

We have a great post going up tomorrow morning on the USDA’s recent approval of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) — “genetically engineered” (“GE”) if you live in Europe — sugar beets and GM alfalfa from Ken Roseboro, editor of The Organic & Non-GMO Report. It will cover health concerns (based on scientific studies), environmental concerns, legal concerns, considerable threats to organic farmers and consumers, and the USDA’s decision to ignore public concerns and comments from hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens. But I wanted to chime in on this with a few comments of my own.