
Proposal To Cut EV Tax Credits In Georgia Fails For The Year

It looks like Georgia’s generous electric vehicle tax credit will live to see at least one more year, based on recent reports — as the state’s legislature ran out of time before voting on the proposed bill to scrap the credit. Just a couple of weeks ago, state Rep. Chuck Martin (R-Alpharetta) proposed bill HB

Proposal To Cut EV Tax Credits In Georgia Fails For The Year was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Country’s “Most Ambitious” Smart Growth Project Moving Forward

The Atlanta BeltLine, dubbed, the country’s “most ambitious” or “best” smart growth project is, obviously, a big project. It involves re-purposing a 22-mile rail corridor to include new forms of public transit (streetcars or light rail connected to MARTA at a number of locations), trails for walking and bicycling, and a number of parks, all around the center of Atlanta. The city is putting $2.8 billion (yes, billion) into it and there is a ton of private investment going in as well.

Georgia Loses Millions of Dollars Worth of Crops because of Anti-Immigration Law

Huge fallacy: undocumented immigrants don’t contribute to society.

Truth: undocumented immigrants do tremendously important work in inhumane conditions and for completely unfair wages so that Americans can eat cheap food.

Test: Georgia Republican lawmakers recently passed legislation geared at pushing undocumented, “illegal” immigrants out of the state of Georgia.