Genetically modified organism (GMO) proponents constantly proclaim that GMOs will help feed the hungry and solve world hunger. This is one supposed benefit of genetically modified (GM) salmon as well. But a recent report out of Europe, GE Salmon Will…

Normally, I do a full article even when I include a video in a post, but the following video is over an hour long and I think it is so completely worth the watch that I would rather you get…
Greenpeace Activists Quarantine Illegal GE Crops
Greenpeace recently found genetically engineered maize from Monsanto, MON810, illegally growing in Italy. Now, activists from Italy, Austria, Germany and Hungary are quarantining this GE maize. “Greenpeace has taken action today to prevent any further contamination from these hazardous and…
Important Media Weekly Roundup
Some great recent news from the Important Media network. Read the rest of this entry »
Important Media Weekly Round-Up
Something you should be aware of if you’re not yet is that Planetsave is a part of theImportant Media network. Other than Planetsave, there are currently 10 other sites in the network. Though I don’t often cover other stories on…
Genetically Modified ‘Frankenstein Potato’ Comes to Europe

The EU recently approved cultivation of a genetically modified potato through controversial means. [social_buttons] Since I’m living in Europe now, I have been slightly comforted to know that genetically modified (GM) crops could not be grown here. I thought that…
Whole Foods Removes GMOs from Grocery List
Whole Foods Market made a big step in food retail this month. The corporate giant that dominates the healthfood market is leading their customers away from GMOs. The company joined the Non-GMO Project’s Product Verification Program this month. The Non-GMO…