
Greenpeace Pushing For Pan-European Supergrid

A report released by Greenpeace on Thursday based on analysis done by consultants Energynautics has floated the idea of a need for a pan-European supergrid to help meet the ambitious target of at least 45% renewables by 2030. “Europe’s energy system is at a crossroads,” the authors of the report write, noting that the existing

Greenpeace Pushing For Pan-European Supergrid was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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How Much Renewable Energy Will Be Installed In 2030? 2040? 2050?

How Much Renewable Energy Will Be Installed In 2030? 2040? 2050?

Ren21 — a global renewable energy policy multi-stakeholder network that connects governmental bodies, nonprofit organizations, industry associations, research institutes and universities, and members of civil society — recently conducted a massive, 75-page report on a large variety of potential renewable energy…