
Biodegradable, Implantable Battery Can Melt In Your Body

Modern medicine does not fall behind other business in this age of technology. Modern medicine focuses on integrating life-changing advances with progressive technological advances. A recent marriage of medicine and technology hopes to enable progress in monitoring and administering treatment with difficult health circumstances. This recent progress is a biodegradable, implantable battery that will help

Biodegradable, Implantable Battery Can Melt In Your Body was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Elon Musk On 100% Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Potential, Li-ion Battery Components…

Originally published on Lenz Blog. It is of course correct that eventually all energy will be renewable, and the only question is how fast that happens. Fossil fuel will run out eventually. It is also correct (in my opinion) that we should rather not gamble with the amount of CO2 that can be safely released.

Elon Musk On 100% Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Potential, Li-ion Battery Components… was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Google CEO Larry Page On Why He Would Leave His Billions To Tesla CEO Elon Musk

Google CEO and co-founder Larry Page recently shared his strong appreciation of Tesla CEO & Chief Product Architect, SolarCity Chairman, & SpaceX founder & CEO Elon Musk. The two seem to be kindred spirits, and are of course billionaires. They have also reportedly been friends for many years. Page’s statements in a recent interview acknowledged

Google CEO Larry Page On Why He Would Leave His Billions To Tesla CEO Elon Musk was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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