kidney damage

Factory Farm Article Overstates Cow Tail Docking

In “9 Facts About Factory Farming That Will Break Your Heart,” The Huffington Post yesterday announced a shocking “fact” that over 82% of U.S. dairies use tail docking. Instant reaction: horror. Wouldn’t cutting off tails not only hurt the cattle, but also embolden disease-carrying flies around them? (It does.) However, the US Department of Agriculture [&hellip

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GMOs Linked to Organ Disruption in 13 Scientific Studies

Yeah, if you haven’t worried about GMOs up until now, that headline might have you doing so. Unfortunately, it’s true.

A new review of the scientific literature on GMOs published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe reports that numerous scientific studies have found a link between the most common GMOs (in particular, GM corn and soybeans) and severe organ problems in rats and mice. Data from several independent studies “indicate liver and kidney problems as end points of GMO diet effects,” the authors write.