BP oil spill is capped, but have we learned our lessons? Finally! The BP oil spill is reportedly capped. Jeremy Bloom over on our sister site, FailDrill, has a good in-depth post on this story (BP Shuts Off the Oil,…
GREENCAST: 27,000 Abandoned Wells in Gulf of Mexico, Arsenic in Utah Kids Pee, Climate Change Funding in the FY2011 Budget…
Here is our latest “greencast’ of green news from around the internet. Check out our summary of these 10 green news stories in high-definition via screenr or on YouTube below. Read the rest of this entry »
3 Essential Vegan Condiments
Here are 3 condiments I couldn’t imagine life without. [social_buttons] I was going to include the condiments below in my list of favorite foods the other day, but then more and more foods came to my mind and I decided…
Why Don’t We Care About Thousands of Other Oil Spills?
About 300 oils spills a year occur in the Niger Delta. In fact, a large one from an ExxonMobil pipe occurred on May 10th, 2010. Have you heard of it? You probably haven’t heard of it because there is practically…
Oceans Absorbing CO2, Preventing Climate Change — Good, Right? No

As scientists continue to show, the oceans absorb CO2 and keep it from going into the atmosphere. Thus, they help to protect against global climate change. However, this is looking to be perhaps an even bigger problem than climate change!…
Environmental Plastic Discovery
News from South Korea is that scientists have succeeded in creating plastic without the use of fossil fuels. [social_buttons] The scientists created sustainable polymers used in common plastics that could replace traditional polymers that use chemicals from fossil fuels. The…
Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Trends — 1990, 2000, 2008
Overall, global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels increased 29% between 2000 and 2008 and 41% from 1990-2008, and the current concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is now at its highest in at least 2 million years, according to a…