Want to improve your mental health? A new study finds that going vegetarian is one way to do so. A new study out by researchers from Arizona State University finds that vegetarians have significantly less “negative emotion” than omnivores, according…
Ecosystems, Plants & Animals on the Move, but Fast Enough?
Some species are already on the move because of climate change, but a lot more is needed for species & ecosystems to survive. A new study by the California Academy of Scientists attempts to estimate how fast species and ther…
Atlantic Ocean is Rising Faster than Previous 4,000 Years
An international team of scientists has determined that the Atlantic Ocean rose faster in the 20th century than at any time in the last 4,000 years, but not uniformly along the coast. One of the researchers, assistant professor Benjamin Horton…
Environmental Plastic Discovery
News from South Korea is that scientists have succeeded in creating plastic without the use of fossil fuels. [social_buttons] The scientists created sustainable polymers used in common plastics that could replace traditional polymers that use chemicals from fossil fuels. The…
Oceans’ Ability to Absorb Carbon & Protect Against Climate Change Weakening
Oceans regulate our climate. They play a key role in keeping the world’s “homeostasis” in tact. However, their ability to absorb carbon & keep the climate in balance is dwindling, a new report shows. In a year-by-year study from 1765…