One of the biggest weapons in GMO companies’ arsenal is the claim they make repeatedly that genetically modified (GM) crops are needed to help feed to world in the face of global climate change. There’s one problem with this claim, though — it’s total greenwashing and untrue.
New Pathogen, Livestock Reproductive Problems, Crop Failure, & Monsanto’s Roundup Ready® Crops {Take Action}

Internationally recognized plant pathologist Dr. Don Huber has found some things that we should really be concerned about, and they concern GMOs. He has spoken out about it, but the federal government isn’t listening yet.
Dr. Huber “wrote a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack warning of the discovery of a new pathogen and a possible link between Roundup Ready® (GMO) corn and soybeans and severe reproductive problems in livestock as well as widespread crop failure” in January.
Is RoundUp Killing the Soil?
There is still a great debate on whether or not Monsanto’s genetically modified crops and heavily used pesticides are safe. But has it already been proven that the company is severely damaging our soils? Monsanto is an $11.8 billion/year industrial…
Genetically Modified Foods Not Good Economically Either?
Are genetically modified foods costing farmers billions of dollars every year? Greenpeace finds that genetically modified soy is. Genetically modified (GM) foods are infamous due to numerous health, safety and social justice concerns. A common counter-claim that genetically modified food…