
BMW i8 Comes With “Supercar Sounds” (VIDEO)

Originally published on Gas2. On paper, the BMW i8 certainly looks like a supercar. But how does a 3-cylinder plug-in hybrid supercar sound? Freakin’ fantastic, as it turns out. While the BMW i8 doesn’t hit dealerships until later in the year, it’s become one of the most anticipated cars of the year. Using a three-cylinder generator paired

BMW i8 Comes With “Supercar Sounds” (VIDEO) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Brammo Empulse Electric Motorcycle (VIDEO)

Originally published on Gas2. The Brammo Empulse is one badass electric motorcycle, and this cutaway video goes beneath the skin of this electric crotch rocket to show what makes it go. As we covered in our reviews, the Brammo Empulse is no joke on either the streets or the race track. But what makes it all go?

Brammo Empulse Electric Motorcycle (VIDEO) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Elon Musk On 100% Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Potential, Li-ion Battery Components…

Originally published on Lenz Blog. It is of course correct that eventually all energy will be renewable, and the only question is how fast that happens. Fossil fuel will run out eventually. It is also correct (in my opinion) that we should rather not gamble with the amount of CO2 that can be safely released.

Elon Musk On 100% Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Potential, Li-ion Battery Components… was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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“1 Second A Day” Video Will Flip Your Mind

Just watch it:

Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in… well, some of us.

“1 Second A Day” Video Will Flip Your Mind was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.

Republican “Hipster” Commercials & Two Great Parodies (Videos)

There’s a decent chance you’ve seen the ridiculous “young Republican” or “Republican hipster” commercials that came out on March 16. They’re so ridiculous that I think most of us thought they were parodies. Apparently, not. Of course, parodies have since been made. Below are the original commercials in case you missed them (first two), followed by some parodies.

Republican “Hipster” Commercials & Two Great Parodies (Videos) was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.

NJ Tesla Supercharger Project Stopped — Concern That Children In Bookshop Could Be Burned From Car Company Handling Electricity?

First of all, above is a video of a Tesla Supercharger station that was getting put in and then put on halt for some reason. One commenter on the YouTube page noted that the NJ Power Commission quietly decided to implement an old law stating that a car company couldn’t distribute electricity and this project thus […]

NJ Tesla Supercharger Project Stopped — Concern That Children In Bookshop Could Be Burned From Car Company Handling Electricity? was originally published on EV Obsession.

Bill Maher Nails The Difference Between Republican & Democratic Messaging (VIDEO)

There’s no denying it: Republicans kick Democrats’ asses when it comes to messaging. But things may be getting a bit better. Check out this Bill Maher clip for some tips and some history on political messaging: Now, let’s invade the sun and takes its oil! via Peter Sinclair

Bill Maher Nails The Difference Between Republican & Democratic Messaging (VIDEO) was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.