3 Ways to Go Solar

rooftop solar panels

With the cost of solar continuously declining and a huge solar power explosion (i.e. a ton more solar getting installed around the world these days), you might be wondering what your options are for going solar. To be honest, you have more way to go solar than ever. Let’s run down some of your top options.

  1. Group Discounts on Solar: At least one US company, One Block Off the Grid, and one UK company, Sunny Britain, have developed Groupon-like solar buying programs. Basically, people living in qualified locations have the option to go solar for less than they would normally because the solar company (One Block Off the Grid or Sunny Britain) has organized a group discount in their area.
  2. Solar Leasing: If you have the capability and willingness to invest in a solar power system, you are likely to get your money back in a few years or so from the savings on your electricity bills. After that, you’re actually making money on your investment. However, the initial upfront costs or loan options for a solar system are not possible or practical for everyone. Now, though, even if you can’t or don’t want to buy a system, you can lease a solar power system and still save enough money on your electricity bills that you will be making money before your lease is up. Of course, the leasing company will take a cut, reducing the money you could have made by going on your own, but it’s still a much better option than paying more for dirty electricity!
  3. Homemade Solar Panels: If you’re the DIY type, you can also try your hand at homemade solar panels. That may actually be your cheapest option, but it comes with more potential obstacles and downsides, so make sure to read up on the matter a lot before getting your hands dirty.

Of course, there are tremendous government rebates for going solar, so look into which rebates apply to you and make sure to get some of your tax dollars back for going green.

Going solar is almost a no-brainer these days. It is good for your health, saves you money, and helps to prevent global warming, saving the lives of humans, endangered plants, and endangered animals around the world. Wind power and solar power are blowing up these days for a reason. Do your part and join in the awesome benefits!

Home solar panels via ShellVacationsHospitality on flickr

  • Pingback: 3 Good Ways to Go Solar Today | CleanTechnica()

  • http://www.buildingwell.org Pete Kane (@Buildingwell)

    Similar to Solar Leasing, Power Purchasing Agreements are brokered between a solar company and a building owner. The solar company finances, designs, installs, monitors, and maintains the installation at your building. The building owner provides the roof/area for the installation (as well as access rights to that installation) and only pays for the electricity produced at a preset rate.

    • http://www.cleantechnica.com zach

      Thanks! Yep, that is another good option available some places.

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