5 Good Plant Species for Green Roofs in Colorado

Thinking of creating a green roof (aka living roof)? Wondering what plant species to grow on top? Live in Colorado or near it? Researchers from the Colorado State University’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture have your thoughts in mind. They’ve done a study to identify the best plant species for a green roof in Colorado. Here’s more (plus the species):

Five plants that survived the 2-year experiment are recommended for use in semiarid regions….

The CSU researchers postulated that plants native to the Rocky Mountain region, especially those that inhabit areas with shallow, rocky, well-drained soils, may be better suited for use in extensive green roof systems. According to Bousselot, until this study extensive green roofs have not been scientifically evaluated in the high-elevation, semiarid climate of Colorado….

The researchers examined plant area covered for six species. Plant cover increased for all six during the 2008 growing season, but one species, Kannah Creek Buckwheat, experienced low winter survival and was removed from the study in 2009. Of the remaining five species evaluated, blue grama and hardy ice plant outperformed small-leaf pussytoes, brittle pricklypear, and spearleaf stonecrop.

Bousselot noted that because five species survived over the 2 years of this study, these species should be considered for use on extensive green roofs in semiarid regions.

Photo Credit: Rob Harrison