IEA Says World’s Electricity Supply Needs To Be Flipped From Fossil Fuels To Renewables

Originally published on RenewEconomy. As Tony Abbott prepares to wipe out the remaining institutions supporting the deployment of renewable energy technologies in Australia, the International Energy Association has urged countries to act quickly in the opposite direction, and seek to reverse the respective share of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources by 2050. In its

IEA Says World’s Electricity Supply Needs To Be Flipped From Fossil Fuels To Renewables was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Germany Fossil Fuel Production Drops, Electricity Exports Soar

Originally published on RenewEconomy. As Germany chancellor Angela Merkel said last month, if Germany can succeed with its ambitious energy transition then other countries could too. “If we succeed, then she (the Energiewende) – and I’m convinced of it – will become another German export hit,” she said. “The world looks with a mixture of a

Germany Fossil Fuel Production Drops, Electricity Exports Soar was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Going Off Grid Nears Tipping Point, Morgan Stanley Reports

Originally published on RenewEconomy. Investment bank Morgan Stanley says it has been overwhelmed by the response to its recent analysis which suggested that the falling costs of both solar modules and battery storage presented a potential tipping point that would encourage huge numbers of homeowners and businesses in the US to go off grid. The

Going Off Grid Nears Tipping Point, Morgan Stanley Reports was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Why Solar Beats Out Other Stocks

Originally published on RenewEconomy. Solar stocks are certainly having their place in the sun, outperforming all other sub-indices in the global stock market to deliver the best returns over the past 15 months. After “taking off” in mid 2013, the 32 stocks in the global solar index monitored by global investment bank HSBC gained 65

Why Solar Beats Out Other Stocks was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Japanese Government Launches Incentive Program For Batteries

Originally published on RenewEconomy. Japan has followed in the footsteps of Germany and the US and launched a new subsidy program designed to support the installation of lithium-ion battery-based stationary storage systems. According to a report in PV-Tech, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will offer to pay individuals and entities up to

Japanese Government Launches Incentive Program For Batteries was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Solar Will Become An ‘Incumbent’ Energy Source In Australia

Originally published on RenewEconomy. Australia is embarking on a radical transformation of its electricity system that will see solar PV transition from being “disruptive” technology to the “incumbent” technology, displacing coal and sparking a radical change in the way that electricity is provided. This is the assessment from Clean Energy Council CEO David Green (pictured),

Solar Will Become An ‘Incumbent’ Energy Source In Australia was originally published on: CleanTechnica.

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Narendra Modi Is A Big Fan Of Solar, But Not Coal

Originally published on RenewEconomy. Australian coal producers – in particular the billionaire miners Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer – face another major roadblock to their dreams of digging up the Galilee Basin and other coal-rich resources: The likely new prime minister of India is not a big fan of coal. Narendra Modi, the leader of

Narendra Modi Is A Big Fan Of Solar, But Not Coal was originally published on: CleanTechnica.

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