Electric Porsche Might Be Offered In 2015

Originally published on Gas2. The Porsche hybrid 918 Spyder went into production last year thanks to the “outstanding customer response” for the $845,000 vehicle. Given Porsche’s interest in green speed, it comes as no surprise that in a recent interview with German magazine Auto, Motor und Sport, Porsche CEO Matthias Müller revealed his desire to launch an all-electric sports car. But can Porsche

Electric Porsche Might Be Offered In 2015 was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Lithium-Air Batteries Planned By Volkswagen

Originally published on Gas2. It has been confirmed that Volkswagen is working on a powerful new battery for its EV fleet. Speaking at the Geneva Motor Show, Dr. Heinz-Jakob Neusser said that “an 80kWh unit is under development using our own technology. It would provide between three and four times the battery power in a given package.” This

Lithium-Air Batteries Planned By Volkswagen was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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