I received an interesting email a couple weeks ago on a topic I’m not that familiar with but follow a bit — crowdfunding of green projects and start-ups. As the writer pointed out, “the market for sustainable and locally sourced products and startups is continuing to grow, but at the same time, our current economy is making it harder than ever to raise the capitol necessary to get off the ground.”
Find Energy Rebates & Incentives Easily on Ennovations
Shopping for a new appliance or planning a home improvement project? Wondering if there is an energy efficiency rebate available? A handy new web tool from Silicon Valley startup Ennovationz could help your dollars stretch a little (or a lot)…
Koch Brothers Monopoly, Scott Walker Connection [INFOGRAPHIC]
Following up on Rhonda’s great post the other day on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker admitting he wanted to destroy unions to a blogger on the phone who he thought was David Koch, here is a great infographic by the other…
“Buy Local” Campaigns Really Do Help Independent Businesses, Study Finds
Think those “buy local” campaigns are a waste of money? Or, think they are great? Well, whatever your opinion, there is research on the matter that seems to show that they are worth the time and investment. For the 4th…
Obama State of the Union Address 2011 [VIDEO]
![Obama State of the Union Address 2011 [VIDEO] Obama State of the Union Address 2011 [VIDEO]](http://zacharyshahan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/025.jpg)
Obama’s 2011 State of the Union address (full text) is important to us all because it is not only a critical reflection on where we stand today, but also on where we’re going, where we need to go, and how…
New Republican House Rules a Disgrace to Democracy
This week, the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives adopted a new set of rules for the way the House runs – rules which threaten to undermine funding for our nation’s critical infrastructure needs. Under these rules, the…
EcoLocalizer Link Drop
New Transit Projects for 2011 A comprehensive list of transit projects scheduled to start construction or open in 2011. “Streetcar lines dominate the nation’s new transit construction landscape, but this year only light and commuter rail lines will open for…
How Much is Bicycling Worth to the Economy? $1.5 Billion/Year in Wisconsin
We’re bicycling fans here on Ecolocalizer. Have you noticed? Why? Because it’s good for everything: our health, the livability of cities, the efficiency of our cities, equitable access to key needs, and the economy. Here’s more on that last part,…
Physicist “Solves” the City, Turns It Into an Equation
I went through a ton of urban theories as a Master’s student in city planning, but something I didn’t have access to at that time was physicist Geoffrey West’s urban equations. Because he had not created them yet. The 70-year-old…
Ecolocalizer Link Drop: America’s Best & Worst Commutes, Kansas Getting New Coal Plant, How to Win the Race for Jobs
Weekly news roundup from other sites. TheStreet and Bundle Special Report: America’s Best and Worst Commutes Whether you live in a city, the suburbs or farm country, commuting by car to and from work can be an unavoidable expense. Beyond…