Climate Change

Stanford Says No To Investing In Coal

Stanford University recently announced it will no longer directly invest in publicly traded companies that mine for coal for energy generation. There are about 100 such companies and Stanford will no longer invest any of its $18.7 billion endowment in any of them. The university will also divest any funds currently invested in them. “Stanford

Stanford Says No To Investing In Coal was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Food Fish On Their Way Out?

Not much of a fish feast for anyone with overfishing, pollutants in the waters, and eco-altering climate change…. Thanks to Catholic Online for the little reminder!

Food Fish On Their Way Out? was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.

IEA Says World’s Electricity Supply Needs To Be Flipped From Fossil Fuels To Renewables

Originally published on RenewEconomy. As Tony Abbott prepares to wipe out the remaining institutions supporting the deployment of renewable energy technologies in Australia, the International Energy Association has urged countries to act quickly in the opposite direction, and seek to reverse the respective share of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources by 2050. In its

IEA Says World’s Electricity Supply Needs To Be Flipped From Fossil Fuels To Renewables was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Canadians Take To The Streets To “Defend Our Climate”

Originally published in the ECOreport. On Saturday, May 10, thousands of Canadians took to the streets to “Defend our Climate.” Demonstrations  were held in every province except Newfoundland, as well as in the Yukon and Nunavik. The Canadian government appears to have leagued itself to the fossil fuel industry and is pushing numerous coal, natural

Canadians Take To The Streets To “Defend Our Climate” was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action)

In the wake of dire warnings about the future and current threats of global warming and climate change from the US government, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the International Energy Agency (IEA), it’s clear that we need to tackle our illogical fossil fuel addiction fast. It’s critical that we tackle this issue [&hellip

Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action) was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.

The IPCC’s Blockbuster 5th Climate Assessment

BREAKING: Late this evening (8 pm EST, or tomorrow, March 31, at 9 am in Tokyo), something large and unpleasant will hit the fan about climate change. At a press conference in Yokohama, the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will release its Fifth Assessment Report on impacts of human activities on current and [&hellip

The IPCC’s Blockbuster 5th Climate Assessment was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.

Why The Oil & Gas Industry Makes Such A Big Deal Of The Shale (Retirement) Party

Originally posted on EnergyPost and By James Stafford How much faith can we put in our ability to decipher all the numbers out there telling us the US will soon be cornering the global oil market? There’s another side to the story of the relentless US shale boom, one that says that some of the

Why The Oil & Gas Industry Makes Such A Big Deal Of The Shale (Retirement) Party was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Global Warming Consensus (VIDEO)

Originally published on Sustainablog. I have no doubt that climatology is a challenging field in and of itself, but climate scientists – particularly those focused on global warming – also have to deal with consistent attempts to undermine their credibility. They’re just following the “consensus” (which, ya know, didn’t actually result from empirical evidence) because it’ll get

Global Warming Consensus (VIDEO) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Alps Study: Climate Change May Worsen Landslides

March 22, 2014, killer landslide near Seattle (photo: Kings County Sheriff’s Office). Last Saturday’s horrific mudslide 55 miles northeast of Seattle may unfortunately herald the shape of landmass movements to come, if climate change has its way with us. A new study in the European Alps elaborates. In a draft article for Elsevier’s Science of [&hellip

Alps Study: Climate Change May Worsen Landslides was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.