Two issues close to the hearts of many environmentalists (or even the average person now) — addressing climate change and protecting endangered whales — are now being seen as linked issues. Whales are huge! Blue whales are the largest creatures…
Addressing “Global Cooling”
Give people a little winter weather and they cry out that global climate change is a myth. Well, unfortunately, that is not the case. Before we get too excited about the cold weather, here are a few things to look…
Ecosystems, Plants & Animals on the Move, but Fast Enough?
Some species are already on the move because of climate change, but a lot more is needed for species & ecosystems to survive. A new study by the California Academy of Scientists attempts to estimate how fast species and ther…
Great Climate Change Images from WWF & good50x70
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) recently teamed up with good50x70 to create a great collection of graphics depicting the climate change situation we are in today. They are so great that I decided to share the news with you here.
Thank You, & Copenhagen Conclusions
To all of the people who had the goals and made the effort to bring positive change to the world in Copenhagen, here is one humungous thank you. Everybody who worked on addressing this critical issue of human-accelerated and potentially…
45 Species of Galapagos Islands Extinct or Facing Extinction due to Overfishing and Climate Change
A new report published in the journal Global Change Biology shows that 45 species of the Galapagos Islands have become extinct or are facing extinction largely due to human activities. The main causes are the 1982 El Nino and overfishing.…
Atlantic Ocean is Rising Faster than Previous 4,000 Years
An international team of scientists has determined that the Atlantic Ocean rose faster in the 20th century than at any time in the last 4,000 years, but not uniformly along the coast. One of the researchers, assistant professor Benjamin Horton…
Sea Level Rise of Up to 1.9 Meters (6’3″) This Century?
Sea level may actually rise much faster than previously expected, a new scientific study shows. [social_buttons] The study shows that by 2100, sea level could rise between 75 and 190 centimeters (about 2’6″ to 6’3″). The study uses very up-to-date…
4 Childhood Lessons & Climate Change
There is so much complexity in the politics of climate change right now, but as the Copenhagen climate negotiations heat up, I think there are a few simple childhood lessons to review or keep in mind. [social_buttons] Of course, action…
Ancestors of Mammals May Have Survived Largest Mass-Extinction in History in Antarctica
The largest mass-extinction in the world is considered to have happened about 252 million years ago due to quick global warming or climate change. A new study shows how some ancestors of mammals are believed to have survived this mass-extinction.…