Food Day in 1 Week — Events You Can Join

food day website

Food Day” is one week from today, October 24th. This day pushes us to “eat real food” (not unprocessed food or GMOs) and I’ve seen it described as the most influential day in all of Food Month (October).

The day was started by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and this is actually its inaugural year.

“CSPI has been dubbed ‘The Food Police,’ because of its frequent exposés of the deadly flaws of the standard American diet,” the Farm Animal Rights Movement writes. “The goals of this new national observance include promoting safe, healthy foods and protecting the environment, animals, and farm workers.”

On the Food Day website, there’s a petition you can sign asking Congress to support Food Day’s goal:

  1. Reduce diet-related disease by promoting safe, healthy foods
  2. Support sustainable farms & limit subsidies to big agribusiness
  3. Expand access to food and alleviate hunger
  4. Protect the environment & animals by reforming factory farms
  5. Promote health by curbing junk-food marketing to kids
  6. Support fair conditions for food and farm workers

Hmm, sounds like stuff we write about and support every day!

The Food Day website is helping to organize events all over the U.S. as well. Currently, there are over 1,100 events planned. You can see a map on its home page. You can also search for events on the Events page. And you can host/organize an event, yourself, if there isn’t one in your area yet.

Food Day looks like it’s going to rock the U.S. (maybe not as much as Occupy Wall Street, but hey..).

Get involved today!

Image Credit: screenshot of Food Day home page