McDonald’s Insults Moms & Dads

If you are a regular reader of Ecolocalizer, you know that we’ve been following the effort to essentially ban toys from Happy Meals or other unhealthy fast food “meals” in San Francisco (see McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys to be Banned in San Francisco? and Update on San Francisco Happy Meal Toy Ban). The most recent news on this story is that in an article in the San Francisco Examiner by McDonald’s VP of Nutrition and Menu Strategy Karen Wells dropped quite the insult on moms and dads.

“Any objective look at our menu makes clear that our Happy Meals are frequently more balanced than either school lunches or meals served at home.”

Are you kidding? If it is somehow true that Happy Meals are more balanced that most home-cooked meals, then we really are in trouble, but I have to assume that most moms or dads would be insulted by the statement that Happy Meals are more balanced than what they serve their kids at home.

Another line in the piece really stood out to me as well: “No scientific evidence exists to demonstrate that limiting access to toys will address or solve the stated purpose of the ordinance — decreasing childhood obesity.” Seems that would be a hard thing to research without a test case. Well, if San Francisco is interested in giving this a shot, we can easily study the matter and get that info, so why don’t we see what we can learn!

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Photo Credit: Stéfan via flickr