From bicycle lovers to lovers on bikes, bike art to art on bikes, the largest bicycle sharing program in the world to some of the smallest bikers, enjoy this bicycle city photo tour of Paris, France!
Photo Tours of 10 Great Bicycle Cities: #10 Basel, Switzerland
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this series of photo tours is going to be worth about a hundred thousand.
Bikes & Trains — New Initiative for England
England is working to combine two of the world’s cleanest methods of transportation through a new initiative. A handful of strongly funded programs are geared to get more people bicycling to and from rail stations in England.
10 Sustainable Lifestyle Tips: #1-5
In a previous post, I listed five of the best things I think you can do in order to live a sustainable lifestyle. Now, here is the top five list. #5: Leave the Plastic Plastic probably has not shown us…