bill clinton vegan

Bill Clinton’s CNN Vegan Interview

Bill Clinton’s CNN Vegan Interview

It’s Bill Clinton’s 65th Birthday today. And as I previewed, a feature interview on him and his vegan diet was on CNN last night. I’m having trouble finding the full piece (I’ll update this if I do). Above is the only video I can find on CNN so far, a preview to the show, “The Last Heart Attack.” And here’s a 9-minute video of coverage from around, of that interview and others

Vegan Bill Clinton Getting Some Air Time on Sunday

I wrote about Bill Clinton going (almost) vegan back on October 1, 2010. At the time, he was thrilled with the diet, how it made him feel, and his weight loss. Seems he’s still quite happy with it according to comments published in the LATimes on Thursday:

“It’s turning a ship around before it hits the iceberg, but I think we’re beginning to turn it around,” Clinton told CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta.