Global Weirding

Global Warming Consensus (VIDEO)

Originally published on Sustainablog. I have no doubt that climatology is a challenging field in and of itself, but climate scientists – particularly those focused on global warming – also have to deal with consistent attempts to undermine their credibility. They’re just following the “consensus” (which, ya know, didn’t actually result from empirical evidence) because it’ll get

Global Warming Consensus (VIDEO) was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Climate Change Is On Everyone’s Lips

Climate change is #1. When we say that, we don’t mean we’re all cheering for global warming. We mean the subject tops the list of the most important underreported issues in the world today—at least according to news aggregation site Upworthy. Joe Romm of ThinkProgress says the topic huge number of readers chose by an

Climate Change Is On Everyone’s Lips was originally published on: CleanTechnica.

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New York Times, Oxfam, & Others Pick Up the Climate Change–Food Insecurity Story

You may be getting tired of my stories on climate change and food, but I think this is a critical topic already significantly affecting the lives of tens of millions of people (or more) that will become increasingly important in the years to come (if we don’t do something to address climate change NOW).

I’m not the only one trying to draw a little more attention to this critical topic, but not many big media agencies have been doing so (yet). This weekend, though, the New York Times published an above-the-fold, 4000-word, front-page story on the matter! The title: A Warming Planet Struggles to Feed Itself.

Global Food Supply Issues & Chance of Food Riots

These days, living in a global village of sorts, we can easily take for granted the wide variety of foods we have access to and relatively low food prices. However, as the United States Agricultural & Food Law and Policy Blog (USAFLPB) notes, global food supply may be approaching its limit, we are currently seeing considerable price increases, and we could see much more in the future.

October Top News: Giant Penguins, Solar Planes that Fly for Years, Europe’s Clean Energy Progress, Obama’s Clean Energy Push, Peak Oil/Peak Coal/Peak Etc.

October Top News: Giant Penguins, Solar Planes that Fly for Years, Europe’s Clean Energy Progress, Obama’s Clean Energy Push, Peak Oil/Peak Coal/Peak Etc.

Wow, it’s harder to pick out the “must-share” news stories than I realized. Well, here are the news stories I wrote about in the past week or so that I thought it would be a crime not to mention here…