There’s nothing like the taste of homemade tofu, and you can use the pulp left over from this tofu recipe to make delicious soysage!
The Food Diet
I’ve been meaning to write on something interesting I ran across on StumbleUpon for awhile. I haven’t been able to replicate the search results below all together as search recommendations where I live (Poland) or when setting the search…
Café Well — Connecting Social Networks & Wellness
We are each responsible for our own wellness. However, as anyone who has ever tried to get better from anything or improve themself in any way knows, a little friendly support, or even peer pressure, can help. It’s also helpful to have someone or a group of people going through the process with you. If your friends or family aren’t, though, where do you turn?
Corporate Giants Bringing Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity to Developing World
The wonderful potential of corporate globalization. Rich corporations that have compromised the health of people living in rich countries can now do so in the developing world, as well. “Diabetes, obesity and heart disease rates are soaring in developing countries,…
Plant-Based Diet a Solution for Our Health Crisis?
Before I get into the news, a new report on the benefits of a plant-based diet and its possible role in solving our public health crisis, I thought I’d mention something rather interesting from my life recently. A couple months…
Doctor Nails Cancer Risk of Hot Dogs, Bacon, Meat (VIDEO)
This is one of the best talks on veganism I’ve ever watched (and I was raised vegetarian). The doctor, Dr. Neal Barnard, has a great sense of humor and an obviously extensive range and depth of knowledge on the topic.…
Apples, Bananas, Pears, Cauliflower, Cucumbers May Reduce Stroke Risk
A newly published 10-year study by Dutch researchers found that people who ate a lot of white-fleshed fruits and vegetables, like apples and pears, had a 52% lower risk of stroke.
Pollution Infographic
As a reminder of why we need to green our society, the infographic below covers pollution of various sorts around the U.S. and the world (from CO2 emissions to ozone to pesticide pollution) and some of the tremendous health effects this pollution has on humans.
Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
I love dark chocolate, and I’ve heard it’s good for you (or, at least, not bad for you) but I had never really looked into how much nutrition, what kind of nutrition, or what kind of other health benefits it offered. (I just assumed people were telling me the truth and didn’t concern myself too much with the matter — I eat it when I feel like it.) However, today, I have decided to look into the matter (yes, to write this post). After grabbing a little dark chocolate my partner brought me from the Czech Republic recently and sitting down to research the matter, I have to say that what I’ve found is pretty impressive…
GMOs Linked to Organ Disruption in 13 Scientific Studies
Yeah, if you haven’t worried about GMOs up until now, that headline might have you doing so. Unfortunately, it’s true.
A new review of the scientific literature on GMOs published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe reports that numerous scientific studies have found a link between the most common GMOs (in particular, GM corn and soybeans) and severe organ problems in rats and mice. Data from several independent studies “indicate liver and kidney problems as end points of GMO diet effects,” the authors write.