BP oil spill is capped, but have we learned our lessons? Finally! The BP oil spill is reportedly capped. Jeremy Bloom over on our sister site, FailDrill, has a good in-depth post on this story (BP Shuts Off the Oil,…
Guys Like Green Girls
A new survey conducted by footwear company Timberland, the “2010 Timberland Eco-Love Survey“, shows that men are looking for eco-friendly and adventurous girls. 54% of men would question starting a relationship with a girl who litters, 27% would question doing…
Long Commute = Unhappiness
I heard years ago that traffic was the number one public complaint. In that light, the following information may not come as a big surprise. However, with the traditional American dream being a big house in the suburbs with a…
10 Sustainable Lifestyle Tips: #1-5
In a previous post, I listed five of the best things I think you can do in order to live a sustainable lifestyle. Now, here is the top five list. #5: Leave the Plastic Plastic probably has not shown us…
What is Sustainability? The Practice Makes the Ideal, the Critical 4th Component
What is sustainability? It is, in one sense, leaving the world in the same condition as it was when we arrived in it. This is a fairly common definition of the word: “the property of [being continued with minimal long-term…
Personal Sustainability: The Path to Worldwide Environmental Sustainability
This world is founded on some basic laws, including cause and effect. Every action has a reaction. Every cause has an effect. And we may think that we’re all separate beings in this world, separate beings and entities. But…