GMOs in organic baby food? Apparently. “The DHA and ARA produced by DSM Nutritional Products, and used in many organic infant formulas and baby cereals, is made using what the organic law describes as excluded methods,” a draft email to…
One of the Most Precious Ecosystems in the World Disappearing (Help Protect It)

There is an extremely unique ecosystem in Brazil that contains about 5% of all life on Earth. It is called the Cerrado. Unfortunately, it is disappearing faster than the Brazilian Amazon.
New Pathogen, Livestock Reproductive Problems, Crop Failure, & Monsanto’s Roundup Ready® Crops {Take Action}

Internationally recognized plant pathologist Dr. Don Huber has found some things that we should really be concerned about, and they concern GMOs. He has spoken out about it, but the federal government isn’t listening yet.
Dr. Huber “wrote a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack warning of the discovery of a new pathogen and a possible link between Roundup Ready® (GMO) corn and soybeans and severe reproductive problems in livestock as well as widespread crop failure” in January.
Help the Bees: Tell EPA to Ban Killer Pesticide
Bees are an essential part of our food system, as they pollinate many of the flowering plants we grow food on. “Pollination by honey bees is key in cultivating the crops that produce a full one-third of our food,” Credo Action writes. But if you haven’t heard, you should know that bees have been seeing major colony collapse in recent years. Colony Collapse Disease has decimated bees across the U.S. since 2006, killing off approximately 30% of the population each year.
Petition to Ban Triclosan Getting Some Attention
While many have raised concerns to the EPA and FDA about triclosan, their concerns have primarily been ignored.
Annual Quota of Bluefin Tuna Caught in 1 Week
Industrial fishing fleets can catch fish in numbers unimaginable to fishermen a few decades ago. The capabilities are more than unimaginable, though. They are also unsustainable. With bluefin tuna on the brink of extinction, fishing quotas are set for these…
10 Sustainable Lifestyle Tips: #1-5
In a previous post, I listed five of the best things I think you can do in order to live a sustainable lifestyle. Now, here is the top five list. #5: Leave the Plastic Plastic probably has not shown us…