In 1981, scholar Donald Appleyard published the book “Livable Streets” (link is to the 2nd edition soon to be published) based on his research into how people experience streets with different traffic volumes. Streetfilms recently covered portions of his research…
Conversation Cars on Public Transit: A “Modest Proposal”
There’s been a pretty significant transformation on public transit in the past decade or less. Whereas riders used to start up a conversation with complete strangers on a regular basis in the past, more and more riders are plugged into…
Slow Food
Slow Food USA is a growing movement formed to protect many aspects of our food supply. Community work, activism, and sensual enjoyment of food are part of this grass roots movement, which is a part of the larger, global Slow Food…
Power Shifting from Nations to Cities
Cities are becoming more powerful than nations. Hopefully, they will use that power for good, not for evil.
How Do Brits Like to Be Green?
How do Brits like to be green, and what green behaviors do they still avoid? That’s what a new survey by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), and the National Centre…
What is a Global Citizen? Are You One?
We live in a “global” world now. Corporate globalization is prevalent nearly everywhere. Travel is more common than ever before. We get news in our homes about anyplace in the world seconds after it happens. The internet allows us to…
Personal Sustainability: The Path to Worldwide Environmental Sustainability
This world is founded on some basic laws, including cause and effect. Every action has a reaction. Every cause has an effect. And we may think that we’re all separate beings in this world, separate beings and entities. But…