wind turbines

Mars Agrees To Construct 200 MW Wind Farm

Mars Incorporated has agreed to the construction of a wind farm that will have a generation capacity of a whopping 200 MW. That is enough to cover the electricity usage of its entire US operations! Mars’ US operations comprise 70 sites, including 37 factories and 25,000 associates. The Mars wind farm will be built by Blattner Energy

Mars Agrees To Construct 200 MW Wind Farm was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Sky Windpower’s High-Altitude Generation Aspirations Aren’t Realistic

Sky Windpower is an airborne wind generation system that is often given glowing reviews in the inadequately critical popular and technical press. In 2008, they were listed in TIME Magazine’s Best Inventions of the Year. In 2011, they were featured on the front cover of Popular Mechanics. They continue to be active in the space,

Sky Windpower’s High-Altitude Generation Aspirations Aren’t Realistic was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Offshore Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Are Sinking Not Swimming

One of the persistent myths of wind energy is that vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are better than the iconic three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWTs). A wrinkle on this myth has surfaced over the past couple of years, that the balance of engineering compromises favours VAWTs for offshore applications. It’s true that offshore applications

Offshore Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Are Sinking Not Swimming was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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