What Vegans Eat (Pie Chart)

what vegans eat pie chart

I’ve been wanting to share this chart for nearly a month — it is so accurate. People with little experience of veganism or vegans (or vegetarians, for that matter) often think eating vegan entails eating just a few foods (grass, tofu, and granola, for example). However, a vegan diet can be, and often is, extremely varied (even much more varied than the chart on the right indicates).

As an anecdote, when I moved to Poland to live with my partner, she thought she would never be vegetarian, that she couldn’t be. After not long, I had exposed her to so many more food options than she’d ever tried or known of before that she laughed about that initial thought. I never had the intention to “convert” her, but the food converted her. She is essentially a vegetarian today (may eat meat a couple times a year when visiting her family during the holidays) and has so many vegetarian and vegan dishes she loves that she thinks it’s a shame some people never open up to trying them out (or never have the opportunity to do so). Our favorite restaurant is a completely vegetarian, largely vegan restaurant in the center of the city, but it’s hard to even get some people to visit it (even though it’s quite a popular restaurant).

Unfortunately, Marika’s now confronting the mindset of people who imagine vegetarians only eat the food in the left chart .. not fun– wish they could all see this chart or spend a few months eating with a vegetarian or vegan!

via Your Daily Dose of Vegan OutreachI Love Charts

  • Darin Selby

    I think a vegan deserves to get bigger slice of pie than that?

    • http://zacharyshahan.com/ Zachary Shahan

      Ha, yeah. 😀