
Renting An Electric Car In China: Can It Really Be This Cheap & Easy?

By Byron Meinerth, Chelsea Eakin, and John Hanrahan What is it like to rent an EV in Beijing? Over the Labor Day holiday, we decided to find out. For all the articles about Beijing’s air pollution problems and ambitious goals for electric vehicle adoption, we had trouble finding one that covered the actual experience of renting or owning

Renting An Electric Car In China: Can It Really Be This Cheap & Easy? was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Top-Selling Electric Car In US & Europe In 2014 Will Be…

Results for my poll on what will be the “Top-Selling Electric Car In US & Europe In 2014″ are in. The winner for both locations isn’t a big surprise, but it’s interesting to see how the splits turned out, and the differences between the US & European results. Have a look: US Nissan Leaf 56.64%

Top-Selling Electric Car In US & Europe In 2014 Will Be… was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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Paris Smog Can Take Cars Off The Streets

Travelers cherish the city of Paris for the charm of its luxurious springtime, but maybe not this year. Since last Wednesday, air pollution in Paris and 22 suburbs has topped the safe limit for PM10 particulates (80 mg/cubic meter). The Paris smog readings hit 180 mg on Friday, more than twice the accepted safe limit. This [&hellip

Paris Smog Can Take Cars Off The Streets was originally posted on: PlanetSave. To read more from Planetsave, join thousands of others and subscribe to our free RSS feed, follow us on Facebook (also free), follow us on Twitter, or just visit our homepage.