Rebirth of Sacramento Railyard & Center for Creative Land Recycling {Green NGO Highlighted}

Rebirth of Sacramento Railyard & Center for Creative Land Recycling {Green NGO Highlighted}

With my professional training in city planning, I have to admit that I get giddy over cool smart growth projects. I recently ran across one such project, a super cool one, and one of the key organizations behind it. The project is the redevelopment of Sacramento’s downtown railyard, which apparently employed 10,000 employees at the height of its use and was the largest single workforce in Central Valley for 8 decades. One of the key organizations behind it is the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR).

White Tigers, Favorite Fruits, Ocean Cleanup Efforts, and Solar Energy

White Tigers, Favorite Fruits, Ocean Cleanup Efforts, and Solar Energy

I decided rather than posting the first part of each article I write on here verbatim that I would start doing a one-article summary once a week of the articles I wrote during the week. We’ll see how this goes.…