I think for anyone following food issues, especially food policy, knows that the same financial-political system that makes some people absurdly rich and many others poorer and poorer also makes our food less and less safe, decreases our food security, and result in a Big Ag system that hurts most to benefit a few fat cats.
Agribusiness Owns Your Poop (Cartoon)
A good friend of mine on Facebook shared this cartoon recently and I immediately though, “Oh, that has to go up on Eat Drink Better!” So, here’s the cartoon, created by Marc Roberts.
Non-GMO Month & New GMO Report
Heather mentioned on Saturday that October is Non-GMO month and she has pledged to not eat GMOs (or processed foods) for the whole month. Good luck to you, Heather!
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is participating in Non-GMO month too, of course. It had a great intro to the month, that first starts with some highlights (and lowlights) of the year so far and then predicts how October is going to change things up. Also, Food & Water Watch has just released a big report on GMOs.
Monsanto Lobbyist at FDA Needs to Go — Tell Obama
One of the sad things about U.S. government today is the revolving door between industry and politics. Politics is for industry these days, not for the people. One “revolving door poster child” is Michael Taylor. Taylor was a Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist and (re)joined the FDA in July 2009. He was eventually named the Deputy Commissioner of Food. Conflict of interest?
Millions Against Monsanto (Take Action)

The Organic Consumers Association has a kick-a** campaign going on, Millions Against Monsanto. It is trying to get as many people as possible to campaign in the streets on October 16, 2011 for mandatory labeling of GM food and is looking to get 1 million to sign a petition pushing for this.
Corn Rootworm Now Resistant to Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Corn
As Ken Roseboro wrote earlier today, Monsanto GM sweet corn is about to be much more ubiquitous in the U.S. Interestingly, this announcement comes at about the same time as the release of a new study out of Iowa State University showing that some organisms that are supposed to be repelled by this GM corn are becoming resistant to it (and passing on that resistance to their offspring).
F***ed Up: USDA Lets GMO Companies (e.g. Monsanto) Perform Own Environmental Impact Studies
The USDA continues to ignore the message and ruling of the court and makes it easier for GM crops (like Monsanto’s GM sugar beets) to be approved and planted without true government oversight.
How to Join the No-to-GMOs Movement

Following up on my post yesterday on the horrible but not at all surprising news that 13 scientific studies have linked GMOs to organ disruption, as promised, here’s a little more info on how to get involved in the citizen movement against GMOs.
Monsanto GM Sugar Beets (and Alfalfa) Approval: Why This is Bad News
We have a great post going up tomorrow morning on the USDA’s recent approval of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) — “genetically engineered” (“GE”) if you live in Europe — sugar beets and GM alfalfa from Ken Roseboro, editor of The Organic & Non-GMO Report. It will cover health concerns (based on scientific studies), environmental concerns, legal concerns, considerable threats to organic farmers and consumers, and the USDA’s decision to ignore public concerns and comments from hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens. But I wanted to chime in on this with a few comments of my own.
Green Business Blog Carnival #18
The Green Business Blog Carnival comes to EcoLocalizer! Following up on Green Business Blog Carnival post #17 on Cleantechnica (which featured a couple posts from EcoLocalizer), here’s the next edition of the Carnival for your reading pleasure. The first ride.. er, post…