In honor of non-GMO month, folks from the Institute for Responsible Technology have shared a great film with us, Scientists Under Attack, and a lot of information to go with it.
Non-GMO Month & New GMO Report
Heather mentioned on Saturday that October is Non-GMO month and she has pledged to not eat GMOs (or processed foods) for the whole month. Good luck to you, Heather!
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is participating in Non-GMO month too, of course. It had a great intro to the month, that first starts with some highlights (and lowlights) of the year so far and then predicts how October is going to change things up. Also, Food & Water Watch has just released a big report on GMOs.
USDA Encourages You to Eat Junk Food
I wrote back in June about the fact that the USDA doesn’t follow its own dietary advice.. when it comes to food subsidies. But a new report by the US Public Interest Research Group, “Apples to Twinkies,” puts more numbers to that. Here are some key ones:
Take Action: National Conference to End Factory Farming
I’ve got some good news for all those who care about decent treatment of animals. Farm Sanctuary is hosting its first-ever National Conference to End Factory Farming: For Health, Environment and Farm Animals this year — October 27-29 in the Washington, D.C. area. Attend if you can!
Pollution Infographic
As a reminder of why we need to green our society, the infographic below covers pollution of various sorts around the U.S. and the world (from CO2 emissions to ozone to pesticide pollution) and some of the tremendous health effects this pollution has on humans.
Apple Juice Arsenic Different Form than OTHER Arsenic
A couple months ago, I wrote a story on arsenic in apple juice. This was the gist of it:
While the EPA limits arsenic in our drinking water to 10 parts per billion, recent tests have found the amount of arsenic in apple juice (Mott’s Apple Juice, in particular) to be 55 parts per billion — 5.5 times more than what the EPA will let us drink!
Spirulina: How to Eat It (4 Spirulina Recipes)
Spirulina was a staple food for me growing up. My mom gave it to me for an energy boost before soccer games, especially. So, it’s sort of a normal condiment for me. But, for most, it is still a rather foreign and mysterious food. This hit me recently when a friend mentioned it and was having trouble figuring out how to eat it. So, I thought I’d write up a quick post on ways I like to eat it.
Monsanto Lobbyist at FDA Needs to Go — Tell Obama
One of the sad things about U.S. government today is the revolving door between industry and politics. Politics is for industry these days, not for the people. One “revolving door poster child” is Michael Taylor. Taylor was a Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist and (re)joined the FDA in July 2009. He was eventually named the Deputy Commissioner of Food. Conflict of interest?
Millions Against Monsanto (Take Action)
The Organic Consumers Association has a kick-a** campaign going on, Millions Against Monsanto. It is trying to get as many people as possible to campaign in the streets on October 16, 2011 for mandatory labeling of GM food and is looking to get 1 million to sign a petition pushing for this.
Crowdfunded Sustainable Start-Ups on the Rise
I received an interesting email a couple weeks ago on a topic I’m not that familiar with but follow a bit — crowdfunding of green projects and start-ups. As the writer pointed out, “the market for sustainable and locally sourced products and startups is continuing to grow, but at the same time, our current economy is making it harder than ever to raise the capitol necessary to get off the ground.”