Vegetarian and Vegan

Vegan Bill Clinton Getting Some Air Time on Sunday

I wrote about Bill Clinton going (almost) vegan back on October 1, 2010. At the time, he was thrilled with the diet, how it made him feel, and his weight loss. Seems he’s still quite happy with it according to comments published in the LATimes on Thursday:

“It’s turning a ship around before it hits the iceberg, but I think we’re beginning to turn it around,” Clinton told CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

How To: Smoothies

We got on a huge smoothie kick this summer. We discovered that a dinky little blender of ours could actually make them and were making smoothies every day for a week or two. Now, while smoothies are a delicious, special treat, they are not at all difficult to make. However, if you’ve never made one before, you may not believe me. So, I’m writing this short little post (photos included) to tell you how to make smoothies (or, at least, how I like to make them) and to let you know about one of my favorite recipes.

Gelatin Made from Humans — Vegan?

Wow, this is an interesting one. Some scientists are working on creating gelatin derived from human flesh and bones. Seriously — an article has been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. My mind is a little blank trying to think of what to say about this. On the one hand, I have plenty of thoughts, but on the other hand, I’m in a little bit of shock.

New Weight Study… Which Foods Make You Fat?

I’m not all that interested in weight, to be quite honest. If anything, I need to put on weight. But some recent news on weight gain caught my attention. A new study, Changes in Diet and Lifestyle and Long-Term Weight Gain in Women and Men, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, has found that the food you eat may be even more important than the quantity of food you eat when it comes to weight gain…

Factory Farm Investigations on New Interactive Map

It must be the week for maps. I just recently announced that Food & Water Watch won an Interactive Media Award (IMA) for its interactive factory farming map. Now, news is there’s another great interactive factory farming map just out from Animal Visuals, an excellent site with “visual resources for animals” (I’ve shared some of their stuff when writing about livestock production in the U.S. before).

Mike Tyson on His Vegan Diet: “I wish I was born this way.” [VIDEO]

Last August, I wrote about Mike Tyson’s transformation to veganism. At the time, he had been vegan for 8 months. While he was very enthusiastic about the diet and said he felt great (“I get these explosions of energy. I don’t know how long they last, but they’re like explosions. So powerful.”), I’m sure I wasn’t the only one wondering if he would stick to it.