Vegetarian and Vegan

Share an Avocado Recipe, Win a $12,400 Rose Bowl Package

If you’ve been an EatDrinkBetter reader for while, I think you know by now that my favorite food is the always delicious (except when rotten..) and healthy avocado. The nice thing is, a lot of people love avocados.. and I just learned about a fun avocado recipe contest this week, Kick Off with Hass Avocados Recipe Contest, where you can share one of your favorite avocado recipes, learn about others’, and possibly win a grand prize valued at $12,400!

Pineapples! (Health Benefits)

I love pineapples. They are one of my favorite foods. We happened to buy one this week, and it was so good I thought I’d finally write a piece about the yellow jewel.

While I normally write about my favorites recipes when I write about a specific food, I really love pineapples in one way much more than any other — plain and simple. So, I don’t have any recipes to share that compare (in my opinion) to a freshly cut pineapple.

BUT, I think it’s always useful to write about the wonderful health benefits of a fruit or vegetable. So, here are some of the health benefits of pineapples for you:

Bill Clinton’s CNN Vegan Interview

Bill Clinton’s CNN Vegan Interview

It’s Bill Clinton’s 65th Birthday today. And as I previewed, a feature interview on him and his vegan diet was on CNN last night. I’m having trouble finding the full piece (I’ll update this if I do). Above is the only video I can find on CNN so far, a preview to the show, “The Last Heart Attack.” And here’s a 9-minute video of coverage from around, of that interview and others